7-10 Days Post-Op Check Up


  • You may shower and let the warm water run over the incision. If there is drainage, a dry gauze dressing may be applied.
  • Do not apply any type of medication or ointment to your incision. This includes: cream, Neosporin, or peroxide.
  • Report any persistent or pus-like drainage, an increase in swelling, an increase in redness around the incision, nd/or persistent temperature greater than 101 degrees.


  • You may experience significant pain and spasm in your back or legs. This is very common and is to be expected after surgery. Valium, hot showers, heat packs or ice packs can help settle this down. Frequency and duration of these episodes should decrease with time. Pain on moving from bed to chair or standing position will steadily improve.
  • You may take over-the-counter medications (NSAIDs such as Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen or Aleve) as needed, following the instructions on the bottle. Tylenol (Acetaminophen) can be used when you no longer require narcotic medications.
  • You have been given strong pain medication. If it does not appear to be working, taking more will not help and can be very dangerous. Call the office if you are having trouble with pain management.


  • You may drive 5 days after your lumbar surgery, as tolerated. Start by driving short distances first and see how you do. Do not drive while taking narcotic pain medication.
  • In general, if activity increases discomfort, do not do it.
  • Walk as much as you comfortably can.
  • Do not lift anything greater than 15 pounds.
  • Dr. Hope will discuss additional activities you can partake in at your next office visit.
  • Do not sit, stand, or ride in a car for long periods of time without getting up to walk.


  • You will schedule a follow up appointment with Dr. Hope around 3 weeks from this appointment. At this appointment Dr. Hope will discuss his surgical findings and your continued plan of care.

After 1-Month Post-Op Check Up


  • You may use scar cream starting at 6 weeks - Mederma can be purchased over the counter. (DO NOT start prior to 6 weeks because it can open the incision)


  • You may experience pain and spasm in your back or legs. Valium, hot showers, heat packs or ice packs can help settle this down. Frequency and duration of these episodes should decrease with time.
  • Pain on moving from bed to chair or standing position will steadily improve.
  • You may take over-the-counter medications (NSAIDs such as Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen or Aleve) as needed, following the instructions on the bottle. Tylenol (Acetaminophen) can be used when you no longer require narcotic medications.
  • Call the office if you are having problems with pain management.


  • In general, if activity increases discomfort, do not do it.
  • Walk as much as you comfortably can.
  • Gradually start to increase activities. In general, you should be able to resume activities that you participated in prior to surgery at 12 weeks from your surgery date.


  • As determined by Dr. Hope, usually no further follow-ups are needed.
  • If you wish to complete physical therapy, we generally recommend starting at 6-8 weeks post surgery.
  • There is no need for follow up MRIs.